Keeping Mosquitoes Away From Your Garden

| Tuesday, September 13, 2011
By Owen Jones

Everyone with a lovely garden, patio or deck will surely enjoy sitting outside on a warm summer's day or evening. But if there is one thing that can blight it for you, it is mosquitoes. Sometimes, it only takes one of two persistent mosquitoes to make your blood boil. Mosquitoes are a pest for sure, but they can also be a health hazard, spreading dengue fever and malaria and several other really horrible diseases. So how do you go about keeping mosquitoes out of your garden?

Maybe you cannot realistically hope to keep mosquitoes out of your garden completely, but there are some things you can do to deter them and keep their numbers down. Stopping them breeding in your garden is the first step to take. Mosquitoes do not have a long flying range, many of the mosquitoes that bother you in your garden will have been born inyour garden.

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in still water, so make certain that there is none in your garden. They will lay eggs in water vats, dogs' bowls, water that has collected in old tyres, bottles and tins and your rubbish bins, so make sure that no water can gather anywhere. Blocked gutters are another breeding site. If you have a water feature, put fish in it to eat the larvae.

Mosquitoes hate the smell of lemon, so you could grow citronella plants, lemon thyme, lemon grass and even a lemon tree, if the climate is right. Otherwise you could burn citronella scented candles or oil in the vicinity They not only keep the mosquitoes away, but the smell is very fresh and envigourating.

If they are still bothering you, you may have to resort to mosquito repellent. You could impregnate your clothing with permethrin, like the army does for jungle warfare or just rub a deet-based product on your skin. There are also plenty of natural mosquito repellents too, such as lemon oil, citronella and eucalyptus oil.

Garlic is supposed to repel mosquitoes, so you could try growing garlic close at hand. It is also meant to repel ticks and has demonstrated to discourage greenfly (aphids) from roses. What could be better, particularly if you like garlic as well?

You could put up one or two of those lamps that attract insects to them and then destroy them with a high voltage shock. These electric bug killers are especially proficient at killing mosquitoes and house flies, which can also be a nuisance when you are sitting outside.

They are inexpensive and will go on for years. They give off a pleasing glow and some claim to be able to clear areas of a quarter, a half and even a full acre of terrain of all winged insects by the use of the ultraviolet light and pheromones.

By using some or all of the above methods of keeping mosquitoes out of your garden, you should be able to enjoy your drink, a chat or a snooze in complete peace and freedom from flies and mosquitoes.

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