The Heating Elements In A Massage Chair

| Friday, September 2, 2011
By Eric Brettowski

Many people use heat therapy to reduce pain, discomfort and alleviate stiffness. Applying heat to different muscles is commonly employed in sports medicine. Many manufacturers of recliners and massage chairs are integrating heating systems into their furniture. This gives us the soothing comfort of heat at the touch of a button.

There are various applications of heat therapy. One of the common properties of heat is that it dilates the blood vessels. When this dilation occurs, it will cause more oxygen and nutrients to flow through the muscles. Heat can also stimulate the many sensory receptors in the skin.

Heat therapy also enhances the stretching of soft tissues and other connective tissues. Heat is commonly used in conjunction with massage. The muscles which are fatigued are stimulated by the heat allowing them to become more flexible. Improving flexibility is important after an injury or when there is routine stiffness.

The application of heat is commonly used to enhance the circulatory system. By applying heat, it helps to enhance the ability of your blood to carry more oxygen. This helps to provide a surplus of energy and enhance the regeneration process of tissues within your body. This is especially beneficial for damaged tissue. However, it is important to check with your medical professional regarding the application of heat to specific areas. There is some downside risk for those with circulatory or heart problems and it is always best to check with a doctor before hand.

Another unique application of heat therapy is to provide pain relief. The application of heat helps to stimulate the sensory receptors located in your skin. By applying heat, it can decrease the amount and frequency of pain signals sent to the brain. When this occurs, it provides temporary pain relief. Those with muscular are skeletal injuries may find that this helps to decrease the feelings of pain. By applying heat it will also increase the blood flow to these areas as well. By reducing the pain and increasing blood flow it will make any injury easier to heal. This is particularly important for those who are in competitive sports.

For many athletes--particularly those dealing with tender or strained muscles--warming up is key. This is most commonly done through stretching, but it can also be achieved through heat therapy. Heat treatments allow soft tissues to move with more freedom and a reduced risk of injury.

Many people enjoy the soothing comfort of heat therapy. It feels good to have heat applied to a particular area or for that matter your entire body. He provides you with a sense of comfort which gives you a more positive feeling of health and well-being.

Heat has been applied in many different ways and has a number of benefits. One of the key benefits is helping to relax muscles while speeding up recovery from injury. It helps you improve your cardiovascular system by increasing circulation. It even helps the body rid itself of impurities to better boost the immune system.

Other important benefits include the improvement of skin tone and texture. There are instances of it helping to increase the metabolic process. It can also help to reduce stress and help induce relaxation.

The top manufacturers of massage chairs now have built in heating systems in their recliners. Usually, you can find that they have individual controls to apply heat where you want. Target the heat where it will do you the most good. If you are checking out these robotic recliners, make sure you get one that provides you with the soothing comfort of heat therapy.

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