A Few Helpful Tricks On Getting Rid Of Cigarette Smoke In The Home

| Sunday, September 18, 2011
By Macon Lichmark

The smells and odors of smoking seem to get into everything and on everything. It may be one of the most annoying smells because it clings, but these few tips will help you eliminate the problem easily. Getting rid of cigarette smoke in the home may seem like an impossible chore at first, but is actually quite easy with a little effort. You can find solutions, for instance the IQAir air purifier that can certainly help remove odors, but there are additional steps that should be taken when the smell has built up over time.

Fresh air in a house will work wonders. Open up all the windows and just let the airflow do its job. If you can get a current running through the house with open windows, it will draw out the odors, while pulling in the smell of the outdoors. This will need to be done frequently, especially if smoking continues inside the house.

It may seem odd, but to get rid of odors try cleaning or replacing your light bulbs. This is something many people don't think about, but the smoke builds up and sticks to the bulb over time. And, once the bulbs are then turned on, the heat will put off a smoky smell even if you are not smoking inside at the time.

Another area most don't think about is the walls. Smoke and tar stick to the walls in whatever room you light-up in. As that builds up on the wall, it will change the color of the wall and is noticeable on white or pale walls. Once they are washed off the walls, not only will they look cleaner, but brighter too.

Taking care of carpets is another way to get the smell out of the house. Smells and odors cling to fibers in carpets and rugs and the best thing for that is to vacuum frequently so some of those smells are lifted. Every few months, a deep cleaning is needed by shampooing the rugs and carpet to eliminate all the clinging odors.

You do not want to forget to wash curtains, drapes, and even your shades and blinds frequently. These things also trap odors and the only way to get rid of those smells is through a good washing. Most curtains can be thrown in a washer, but blinds and shades may need to be replaced if the buildup is thick. While you are at it, make sure you clean the chandeliers, ceiling fans, and other wall fixtures where tar and other things can build up.

Getting rid of the smoky smell in the air can be done easily with stuff around your house also. Lay a few peelings from lemons and oranges in various rooms; these will soak up the bad smells. A bowl of vinegar also does a wonderful job of cleaning up the air. Just do this a few times a week and you'll get rid of all the lingering odors in the air.

Using these few simple tips will have you getting rid of the cigarette smoke in the home easily and quickly. To keep the odors at bay, it is important to be diligent in taking care of your home. Open the windows every chance you get, wipe things down with vinegar, and vacuum frequently to keep the house smelling as good as a nonsmoker's home.

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