A Detailed Examination of How to Determine the Advantages of Using Solar Panels over Power Sourced from Utility Companies

| Tuesday, January 10, 2012
By Nathan Thompson

It is best to work out what each one does when choosing between solar power vs grid power. The second operates by passing electricity through a grid that is installed over a surface area, which allows many different places to receive it. The first works by sunlight being absorbed by panels which will be made into energy which can be used at that time or preserved for later.

It is a good idea to acknowledge the main differences between the two. Solar power is environmentally friendly, which is its main benefit and why many opt for it. There is less worry over long term use increasing ones carbon footprint, so you can use it for as long as you want.

However, solar energy can be sparse and unreliable, and this may make it difficult to use for some. Grid energy is much worse for the environment and for those who want to leave less of a carbon footprint, using conserving the electricity that you use is the only way to be effective.

Grid supplied power provides a constant supply of energy which many may prefer over any environmental friendliness. This is automatically delivered to its destinations, and it takes no adjusting to make sure that it is working.

As a renewable source, solar energy has endless use for as long as it can absorb sunlight. No fossil fuels or finite substances are being consumed, here, it is something that will never run out being used to generate power. For many, this is part of its appeal, particularly as it contributes to how environmentally friendly it is. It does not work at night, of course, and so for those who are awake in the small hours of the morning, it may not be the best idea to rely on something that can run out.

It is possible to use it at night, though, as it can be conserved during the day. This means leaving the panels in a place where it can pick up sun rays with its surfaces and then store them for later use. It is also possible to find devices that can operate by using solar energy and some of these will store power during daylight hours.

The success of solar panels also depends on the weather. A bright sunny day will garner more energy than a cloudy or rainy day, for example. This is something that needs to be taken into consideration. As for power grids, they tend to take up a lot of space. This means extra impact on the environment, including ways which are visible and mar the landscape in the eyes of some.

It is probably true, however, that we become so used to things such as pylons that we forget that we see them every day. The size of the grids is also positive, because one grid may provide a lot of places with power. There is, yet, another downside to this, though, as if the grid were to shut down, then that would ensure that none of the places that it provides with energy would get any electricity, barring alternate methods.

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