The Advantages Of Remodeling Your Kitchen

| Friday, December 16, 2011
By Owen Jones

There are two chief motives for choosing to take on some kind of home improvement project. The first is that the owners have become dissatisfied with that part of the house; that is that it has become substandard or old-fashioned beyond endurance and the second is that the owners want to add value to the house because they are thinking of selling it. Two of the main advantages of remodelling your kitchen are that it makes cooking easier and more pleasant and that it adds value to your house

When house builders or estate agents want to market a house, they always market to the woman in the family. This is because most men know that a happy family life depends on their wife being happy. Therefore, estate agents and builders try to sell a good kitchen and a comfortable master bedroom, but above all, a decent kitchen.

Everybody knows that once the family comes, the lady of the house will have the ultimate responsibility for supplying food, even if her partner does cook and wash up every other day.

I am aware that this sounds sexist and out-dated, but you also know that it is true and so do estate agents and builders. This is the reason why if you are thinking of selling your house, you should take a good, hard look at your kitchen and ask yourself: if I were buying a new house, would I think that this kitchen is good enough?

There is simply no doubt that the remodelling of the kitchen will augment the value of the house, but by how much depends on how well the remodelling was done. You may decide to do the work yourself, if you are sufficiently capable.

On the other hand, if you are not competent, but you are going to remain in the house, all well and good. However, if it your intention is to sell and you are not up to the venture, get a professional in, no matter what the cost because you will reap rewards.

If most of your kitchen is OK, you may opt to just replace the cabinet doors and the cooker and perhaps paint the wall, but most people can recognize a cover-up job, if that is what you are trying to do. In brief, if your kitchen needs renovating, you will have to do it to get a favourable price for your house.

There is no doubt about it though, that remodelling your kitchen is costly, but you have to bait a sprat to catch a mackerel. If you spend $5,000 on remodelling your kitchen, it could easily not only add $7,000 - $10,000 to the value of your property, but also make it sell more quickly as well. A double whammy!

If the remodelling looks good.

There is no other single job in a house of a decent standard that will add as much value to your home as remodelling the kitchen. You can forget about insulating the loft or fitting double glazing. Remodelling your kitchen is number one and always has been.

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