Everything In Its Place to achieve Clutter Controls at Home.

| Wednesday, February 2, 2011
By Carolyne Craig

A home needs a system in order to control the clutter properly and stay organized. Your system can be as complicated or as simple as you like but the common factor in all home organization is having a place for everything. The goal is to declutter the home with this system.

The first thing to remember is that achieving optimal clutter control is dependent on the person relying on the system. And what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. So when the method of choice for clutter clearing is achieved, that same method may not work for someone else.

If you witness a decluttering system that works and you want to emulate the system, you need to remember that all systems must be evaluated and tested against the individual that is going to use it. If the system works for the individual, then it will be practiced and continued consistently. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

If the problem was that clothing removed after a long day was being thrown about in the room, then by the end of a week, the amount of clothing lying would cause a cluster. Hence, the question is what would motivate you to properly place the clothing in a manner that would control the clutter. Once that question has an answer, then one can move forward to handle the clutter control problem.

To ask or not ask the question. When you ask why the clutter is occurring in the first place, the answer can help to maximize the way the clutter is controlled and decluttered.

To toss, donate or keep. Those are the decision factors and when those three decisions are made with regard to any cluttered area, the solution is found. Next in line is to continue going around the house with that same thought of toss, donate or keep. Then clutter controls will be achieved.

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