Ten Things to Remember When Moving

| Thursday, February 23, 2012
By Ian MacOlive

For those who are anticipating on moving house in the near future there are certain criteria that one should bear in mind so that the whole process goes off without a hitch. Of course one of the main considerations that one needs to consider is the very important issue of furniture removals and the innumerable problems that often arise. For this reason alone proper preparation is vital. To make moving house as problem-free as possible the following 10 tips might be of value

Don't Forget to Fetch your Things

If you have made use of the services of a tailor, cleaner, etc. be sure to remember to fetch these items before moving house or you might find that you arrive at your new home minus some essentials. If you can't do without them you'll be forced to pay extra to have them sent to you.

Get your Records in Order

You will probably need your medical and dental records, veterinary records if you're moving with pets, school records, and so on. Because this can take quite a bit of time make sure that you don't leave it until the last minute.

Must-have Contact Details

Although the Internet has all but done away with the need for keeping telephone numbers and addresses it is still advisable that you do have the contact details of certain people such as that of your doctor, dentist, friends, colleagues, business associates, etc.

Your New Details

Make sure that all the stuff that will be handled by the furniture removals company is clearly marked and that they have your correct contact details. Also notify those people that you wish to stay in contact with of your new details.

Extra Keys

Most of us have extra sets of keys that we keep hidden or with trusted neighbors for those occasions when we lose ours. Make sure you have got all extra keys before moving house. This is important because you don't want to move and then discover you've left keys hidden somewhere.

Of course we live in a technologically advanced world but there are still occasions for the use of regular postage services. Ensure that your new address has been forwarded to those necessary parties who tend to send you things through the post.

Yes, we have the wonder of email but snail mail is still useful and still part of our lives. Be sure to notify all those who send you things via snail mail well in advance of your new contact details and address so that there is no problem with mail being sent to your old address.

What you do Need to Leave Behind

Oftentimes people who are moving house will absentmindedly forget to leave behind gate remotes, garage door openers, etc. Make sure that you've left these essentials behind for the new owners or tenants of the home you're vacating.

Things you have Borrowed

Anything of a Financial Nature

Things of a Financial Nature

Notify your bank of your change of address as well as those places that need to send you bills. Make sure that you have made payments that need to be done before moving house so that there is no chance of you falling into arrears with accounts.

Clean Up!

When the furniture removals company have left and you're about to follow make sure that you don't leave a big mess behind for the new tenants or owners. This will also be a good chance to make sure that nothing has been inadvertently left behind. Also, chances are there will be some items that you will be taking with you so now would be the time to get them packed away.

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