Feng Shui Decorating and Your Home.

| Saturday, April 7, 2012
By Lydia Gibbons

Feng Shui decorating is over 4000 years old, used by the Chinese to build cities and monuments so we should be able to utilise the principles to do some home or office decorating.

It is said that applying Feng Shui decorating will ensure that we best use our living space to promote positive energy and peace and harmony brining the balance of Ying and Yang to our home and lives.

By applying the rules of Feng Shui to decorating we should improve our own personal positive energy which is known as our Chi.

The first thing to recognise is that our builders were, for the most part, only thinking about cost reduction and not Feng Shui layouts. This may mean that we cannot achieve every aspect of Feng Shui because of the way our house is designed, but no matter how our home was built we can all apply the major principles and ensure some improvement in our energy.

Feng Shui decorating applied to homes is the same no matter where we are or how our homes are designed we must remove the clutter. We cannot have a positive flow of energy when there is no room to move, if we are cluttered the energy is blocked.

Once we have cleared out all unnecessary items we may be lucky enough to be able to replace or refurnish. If we are now is the time to apply more Feng Shui Decorating by making sure we do not crowd the space and blog the energy flow with items which are just too big. There is no value in buying super size instead of correct size even if the price is the same.

We should also go for round or oval edges where possible and remove all the sharp edged tables etc.

Positive energy is calm and reassuring with this in mind we should think about the colors we are going to use. This is an area with lots of information and consideration required. However to allow us to progress it is best to remember that where we wish to relax we use Ying and where we want to be energetic apply Yang and use bold colors.

Doors should be free to open fully and allow the flow of light and air, do not block the light with huge drapes or shades let the air and light flow. We know we need privacy and security but again this can be achieved in balance with some thought and management.

Light is not Ying and Yang, we want it always to be peaceful and harmonious never harsh and intrusive. The home therefore is no place for heavy industrial tubular lighting. Use soft comforting light and of course functional so that the light in the office is clear and bright. Candles in the right room at the right time will always help with harmony.

Every room needs a focal point. In small rooms, mirrors are good to increase the perception of size.

Feng Shui Decorating can only improve the harmony and flow of positive energy in your home, we may not be able to apply every aspect of Feng Shui but as they say every little bit helps.

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