Home Sellers Are Comparing Double Glazed Sash Windows To Single Glazed Windows

| Tuesday, March 6, 2012
By Andrew Brentford

When someone says they are comparing double glazed sash windows to single glazed windows they probably mean they really want to get double glazed windows. Everybody they know either has or wants double glazed windows.

In all likelihood the person who claims to be comparing is really trying to decide whether or not to take the big step of installing double glazed windows. It's pretty obvious that two panes are better than one.

What this person is really most likely looking at is whether or not double glazed windows will be cost effective. Installing double glazed windows cost more than installing single glazed. Are there enough benefits to make the cost worthwhile?

However double glazed windows can save the homeowner money in the long run. Most of the heat that is lost from a house goes out through the windows. Likewise most of the benefit of air conditioning that is lost is a result of heat coming in through the windows.

Some of it can be managed with big heavy curtains or drapes. Of course they also block out light and generally in the winter you want all the light you can get. In the summer, well, it's nice to be able to see then too.

A double glazed window is simply two panes of glass. The two panes have air or gas in between, like a vacuum bottle or insulated beverage container. The space slows down the transfer of heat because it is not a good conductor.

When deciding between double glazed and single glazed consider not only whether the ten to twelve percent you might save on your heating bill could be enough over time to pay the higher installation cost. Also consider that the peace and quiet you will enjoy when you discover that insulated windows block out noise as well as weather might sweeten the deal.

Home buyers nowadays want to buy houses that are environmentally friendly and meet local requirements for greenhouse gas emissions. Like everybody else they want to be comfortable in their home and not have to wear outdoor clothes in the house all winter. Double glazed windows could make your house more attractive to potential buyers.

Double glazed windows could actually decrease the value of your house if it is historically important. In fact you might not be permitted to install double glazed windows. There might be restrictions limiting what changes you can make. However many historically concerned groups have become aware that people are reluctant to purchase older homes because they are damp and drafty. Carefully crafted wood sash windows with double glazing can be made to match the original architecture and make the home more comfortable to live in.

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